
American Anti-Communism Abroad
Vincent Bevins, author of The Jakarta Method, discusses the legacy of US intervention in Indonesia and Brazil.
Noah Kulwin September 9, 2020
Inheriting the Impossible
Historian Beshara Doumani, who holds the first endowed faculty chair in Palestinian studies at an American university, discusses his work and the shifting campus climate on Palestine.
Gabi Kirk September 3, 2020
Mara Wilson
Q&A with Mara Wilson
An interview with the former child star about her Jewish upbringing and being a lefty millennial Jew in Hollywood.
David Klion August 28, 2020
Beyond Good Intentions
Organizers of the Not Free to Desist campaign discuss their efforts to push Jewish institutions to embrace anti-racism.
Rebecca Pierce August 27, 2020
The Future of Jewish News
The new millennial editor of The Detroit Jewish News discusses his plans to revitalize the paper for a new era.
Mari Cohen August 25, 2020
an american pickle
A Pickle-Shaped Void
The Jewish Currents editorial staff falls into a vat of brine.
The Editors August 11, 2020
An Act of Pure Presence
Justin Taylor discusses his new memoir, writing about his father, and depression as a failure of narrative.
Joshua Cohen July 31, 2020
anti bibi protesters
Till Bibi Goes Home
An activist in Israel’s anti-Netanyahu protests discusses the movement to unseat the prime minister.
Mairav Zonszein July 28, 2020
Q & A with Peter Beinart
Our editor-at-large discusses the background of his essay on the end of the two-state solution, and responds to its critics.
David Klion July 10, 2020
Communal Money
Amy Schiller discusses the limits of “scientific philanthropy,” and how money can be a tool toward collective power-sharing.
Abraham Josephine Riesman June 30, 2020
Vexed Solidarities
Cathy Park Hong discusses the insidiousness of American success narratives, white shame, and the difficulty of defining Asian America.
Helen Betya Rubinstein June 24, 2020
Changing the Haredi Discourse
Israeli activist Pnina Pfeuffer discusses her efforts to transform Haredi communities from within—and the failures of communal leadership during the pandemic.
Libby Lenkinski June 19, 2020
voting machine
Electoral Limbo
A roundtable on the elections delayed or canceled around the world because of Covid-19, and their implications for already-frayed democratic institutions.
Madeleine Schwartz June 18, 2020
Stealing Away in America
Vicky Osterweil, author of the forthcoming book In Defense of Looting, discusses the ways that looting contests the racial capitalist logics at the heart of American empire.
Zoé Samudzi June 10, 2020
Living the Unlivable
Jasbir K. Puar on the Great March of Return and the perils of exceptionalizing the Gaza blockade.
Samuel Holleran June 1, 2020
Photo: Joseph Sohm
All Epidemics Are Social
The historical memory of those who lived through and organized during the AIDS crisis offers an invaluable resource in the struggle for a just response to the coronavirus emergency.
Ari M. Brostoff May 28, 2020
Q & A with Gabi Kirk
An interview with the author of our recent feature on California’s ethnic studies curriculum.
David Klion May 14, 2020
Listening to Wampanoag Law
jessie little doe baird of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe discusses what’s at stake this week in the federal ruling regarding the tribe’s land and sovereignty.
Ray Levy-Uyeda May 5, 2020
The Yiddishist Neocon
Nancy Sinkoff discusses her new biography of Lucy S. Dawidowicz, a Holocaust historian whose role in the neoconservative movement is often forgotten.
Hadas Binyamini April 23, 2020
A Conversation with Mikołaj Grynberg
“I think the figure of the Jew is always used in times of crisis.”
Sean Gasper Bye April 21, 2020
A Vote for the Fire
Malcolm Harris, the author of the new essay collection Shit Is Fucked Up and Bullshit, reflects on a long, dystopian decade.
Joshua Simon March 27, 2020
Rest, Build, and Fight
The Jewish Currents editorial staff discusses how its relationship to work and political struggle is shifting in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Editors March 25, 2020
From Bad to Worse
Ghada Majadle of Physicians for Human Rights fears that Israel’s restrictive policies could exacerbate the effects of a coronavirus outbreak in the West Bank and Gaza.
Alex Kane March 20, 2020
The Militarization of Quarantine
Eyal Weizman, director of the interdisciplinary research agency Forensic Architecture, discusses state responses to the Covid-19 crisis and how the “state of exception” might become the norm.
Rosa Schwartzburg March 20, 2020
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