Authors / Peter Beinart

The Perils of Universities’ Unscholarly Antisemitism Reports
By relying on pro-Israel organizations’ analysis of antisemitism—rather than recruiting the scholars on their own campuses—university antisemitism task forces are enabling the assault on academic freedom.
Peter Beinart February 14, 2025

Bernard-Henri Lévy Speaks the American Media’s Lingua Franca
In a new book, the French intellectual exemplifies a liberal Zionist discourse that has fewer and fewer spokespeople to choose from.
Peter Beinart December 9, 2024

Trump’s Israel Instincts Don’t Matter
In his second term, as in his first, Trump may criticize Netanyahu—but his advisers will outmaneuver him to ensure that Israel enjoys a free hand.
Peter Beinart November 26, 2024

The Campaign to Abolish UNRWA
The recent defunding of the aid agency is part of a longstanding effort to extinguish Palestinian refugees’ dreams of return.
Peter Beinart February 13, 2024

Harvard Is Ignoring Its Own Antisemitism Experts
The university’s new advisory group on antisemitism elevates political concerns over academic integrity.
Peter Beinart December 11, 2023

On Addressing Jews
The death of the two-state paradigm provides an opportunity for the Palestinian national movement to once again speak explicitly to Jews.
Peter Beinart and George Bisharat September 18, 2023

Could Israel Carry Out Another Nakba?
Expulsionist sentiment is common in Israeli society and politics. To ignore the warning signs is to abdicate responsibility.
Peter Beinart April 19, 2023

Antisemitic Zionists Aren’t a Contradiction in Terms
Pundits express surprise when antisemitism and Zionism overlap, but the ideologies share much in common—and many adherents.
Peter Beinart January 10, 2023

For the Biden Administration, There Are No Red Lines On Israel
At the J Street Conference this past weekend, Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a speech fit for AIPAC.
Peter Beinart December 6, 2022

Israel’s Ascendant Far Right Can’t Be Understood by Analogy
In other countries, the right clashes with the center over the basic nature of the state—but Israel’s Itamar Ben-Gvir and his rivals are on the same page about ethnocracy.
Peter Beinart November 7, 2022

Progressive Groups Need a New Approach to Fighting AIPAC
Unless left-wing groups band together, Congress will grow even more hostile to Palestinian rights and other progressive priorities.
Peter Beinart October 31, 2022

Answering Said’s Call
While discourse on Israel-Palestine has shifted for the better since 1989, meeting Said’s challenge will require American Jewish intellectuals to recognize that Palestinian equality and Jewish safety are ultimately intertwined.
Peter Beinart September 21, 2022

The Israel Lobby’s New Campaign Playbook
Israel advocacy groups have developed strategies to raise huge sums for their candidates by appealing to corporate interests.
Peter Beinart July 15, 2022

The Hijacking of Atonement
In Germany, the legacy of the Holocaust is used to silence critics of Israel.
Peter Beinart June 16, 2022

How a Defender of Palestinian Rights Lost His Way
As the Washington director of Human Rights Watch, Tom Malinowski fought for justice in Israel-Palestine. All that changed once he got to Congress.
Peter Beinart May 2, 2022

Justifications for Destroying a People
The arguments Russia’s government deploys to dehumanize Ukrainians are strikingly similar to the ones Israel’s government uses to dehumanize Palestinians.
Peter Beinart March 8, 2022

AIPAC Refuses to Learn From Its Mistakes on Iran
Because AIPAC and its allies cannot concede that Iran is a regional power in the Middle East, they promote policies that bring the US closer to war.
Peter Beinart January 31, 2022

Republicans’ Revealing Arguments Against the Islamophobia Envoy
The antisemitism envoy is exactly what congressional Republicans fear the Islamophobia envoy could become: a threat to free speech.
Peter Beinart December 29, 2021

“Pro-Israel” Pundits Don’t Talk About Israel
Many of the hawkish commentators frequently described as Israel experts show surprisingly little interest in the on-the-ground reality in the state they admire.
Peter Beinart December 20, 2021

It Is Impossible to “Shrink the Conflict”
The Israeli government cannot significantly improve Palestinian lives without granting them basic rights.
Peter Beinart November 11, 2021

How the US Media Misreads Naftali Bennett
Despite recent favorable coverage, the new Israeli prime minister is just as authoritarian and anti-Palestinian as his predecessor.
Peter Beinart October 11, 2021

Reclaiming the Covenant of Fate
As American Jewry’s Zionist consensus crumbles, we must learn to address one another across communal divides.
Peter Beinart September 20, 2021

It’s Time to Name Anti-Palestinian Bigotry
Anti-Palestinianism is as ubiquitous as it is invisible.
Peter Beinart July 16, 2021

The Two Paths of Palestinian Islamism
Scholar Khaled Al Hroub discusses the common origins and divergent strategies of Hamas and Ra’am.
Peter Beinart June 25, 2021

Teshuvah: A Jewish Case for Palestinian Refugee Return
Given our history, how can Jews deny another people the right to return to their homeland?
Peter Beinart May 11, 2021

Rejoining the Iran Nuclear Deal Is Not Enough
To promote peace in the Middle East, the Biden administration must accept that Iran is not uniquely malevolent, but one brutal regime among the rest.
Peter Beinart March 1, 2021

There Is No Right to a State
The American Jewish establishment argues that denying Jews a state of their own violates their right to national self-determination. They’re wrong.
Peter Beinart January 27, 2021

How “Pro-Israel” Orthodoxy Keeps US Foreign Policymaking White
Recent attacks on Raphael Warnock are part of a long history of Black politicians being targeted for sympathizing with Palestinians.
Peter Beinart December 22, 2020

Obama and the Israel Lobby
In his new memoir, the former president subtly reveals how AIPAC stymied his administration.
Peter Beinart November 25, 2020

Israel’s Repressive Diplomacy
The recent normalization agreements with Arab states rely on—and contribute to—growing authoritarianism.
Peter Beinart October 26, 2020

Yavne: A Jewish Case for Equality in Israel-Palestine
The two-state solution is dead. It’s time for liberal Zionists to abandon Jewish–Palestinian separation and embrace equality.
Peter Beinart July 7, 2020

No Bark, No Bite
Senate Democrats’ watered-down letter on annexation is an object lesson in how Biden’s candidacy is already letting Israel off the hook.
Peter Beinart May 21, 2020

A New Cold War Threatens Chinese Americans
The previous cold wars exacted a terrible toll on American Jews. The new cold war will do the same for Chinese Americans.
Peter Beinart April 30, 2020

The Scarlet B
Bernie Sanders’s use of the word “bigotry” to describe AIPAC is a gamechanger.
Peter Beinart February 26, 2020

“The One Issue That Matters”
Time and again, Michael Bloomberg’s unquestioning devotion to Israel has led him to defend immoral and disastrous policies.
Peter Beinart February 13, 2020

What’s In It For Trump
The president’s new Mideast “peace plan” is designed to satisfy his narrow personal interests.
Peter Beinart January 29, 2020

Joe Biden’s Alarming Record on Israel
No one in the Obama administration did more to shield Netanyahu from consequences.
Peter Beinart January 27, 2020