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Editors' Note
We Need New Stories of Post-Soviet Jews
A letter from the issue committee
Julia Alekseyeva, Tova Benjamin, Oksana Mironova, and Sasha Senderovich
Office Hours
Office Hours: Valeriya Nakshun
“If we focus on ourselves without making connections to a larger culture, our culture won’t survive.”
George Prigov
The Soul of the Worker
A mid-century Chabad writer protests the “shidduch” between socialism and secularism.
Eli Rubin
Refusing to Bury the Living
Emigrating from the USSR to the US meant fleeing one system of mass incarceration for another.
Egina Manachova
Illustrated Essay
Jewish Essay
An exploration of Jewishness in contemporary Russia.
Victoria Lomasko
Office Hours
Office Hours: Valeriya Nakshun
“If we focus on ourselves without making connections to a larger culture, our culture won’t survive.”
George Prigov
Forthcoming Titles from Kindling Media
Kindling Media is delighted to announce the launch of a publishing imprint dedicated to the promotion of new writing by and for the Soviet diaspora.
Mark Krotov
Editors' Note
We Need New Stories of Post-Soviet Jews
A letter from the issue committee
Julia Alekseyeva, Tova Benjamin, Oksana Mironova, and Sasha Senderovich
Baruch Hashem
I’m white trash. Jew trash. Immigrant trash. Girl-boy trash. I’m a Casanova without a cause.
Yelena Moskovich
Prayer of a Man in Snow
“Today there is no bloodstain / on the snow; no one was shot; there’s just snow and snow”
Israel Emiot
I Need My Blood
“I will not lock my blood inside my heart, / neither will I shed my blood for naught”
Itzik Feffer
Die Schreibblockade: Selections
“I have returned to the city of my dead. / It is the living who live there. I do not know them.”
Eugene Ostashevsky