Comic / Hey Chubbs!
Christopher Blackwell December 19, 2024
Christopher Blackwell is serving a 45-year prison sentence in Washington state. He is a contributing writer at Jewish Currents and contributing editor at The Appeal and works closely with Empowerment Avenue. He co-founded the organization Look2Justice.
Solomon Brager is the author of the graphic memoir Heavyweight, a 2023–25 Jerome Hill Artists Fellow, and a member of the Pinko magazine editorial collective.
Also by Christopher Blackwell
In the Hole
Five incarcerated men on the minute-by-minute experience of solitary confinement.
Christopher Blackwell, Aaron Edward Olson, Antoine Davis, Raymond Williams, and Jonathan Kirkpatrick
“They’re Destroying Our Support Networks”
Under the guise of Covid protections, prisoners are denied family visits, yet forced to work through outbreaks.
Christopher Blackwell