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by Lawrence Bush
THE NEXT ARTICLE we post to the Jewish Currents website will be our 3,000th. Of those, some 2,000 are Jewdayo entries.
Those numbers make me feel elated and exhausted, all at once.
Elated because Jewdayo has been a great adventure of research and writing. Over this feature’s 5 1/2 years, I’ve learned more about Jewish culture and history than in all of my decades — and I totally enjoy sharing that with you and having you elaborate upon the work through your comments.
And that’s my leisure-time activity! The rest of the time I have a magazine and website to edit and keep afloat.
So now comes YOUR chance to help keep ME afloat. Please support Jewdayo today with a donation to our mothership, Jewish Currents. Just think about the daily pleasures for which you reach into your wallet (Starbucks? Netflix? Library fines? Organic vegetables? Lottery tickets? Medical marijuana? Whatever!) -- and please count Jewdayo among them.
Jewish Currents is a non-profit — VERY non-profit — company. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible, and will free me up, just a little, to pursue the creative work that I love instead of the fundraising work that I *&$@&$(@&^!!
Go ahead, celebrate our 3,000th act of love and respect with a donation of love and respect. We deserve it!
Gratefully yours,
Lawrence Bush