Authors / Dusty Sklar

Dusty Sklar is a contributing writer to our magazine and the author of Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult, as well as numerous stories and articles.

The American Jewish Army that Never Was
A new work chronicles the attempts by Zionist leaders to raise an American Jewish army to fight Hitler.
Dusty Sklar June 4, 2018
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
What’s Going to Happen to American Democracy?
Dusty Sklar March 22, 2018
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Daniel Ellsberg on Nuclear War
Dusty Sklar February 25, 2018
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Spy vs. Spy: Anti-Nazi Undercover Work in L.A.
Dusty Sklar January 9, 2018
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Six Million Ku Klux Klansmen
Dusty Sklar December 30, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Visiting Trump’s America
Dusty Sklar December 6, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Powerless Puerto Rico
Dusty Sklar October 10, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Fighting Back against Big Oil
Dusty Sklar September 30, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Lying About War
Dusty Sklar September 22, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
James M. Buchanan and the Radical Right
Dusty Sklar September 4, 2017
Articles Writings Grid
From Job Loss to Guaranteed Basic Income
Dusty Sklar July 6, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
The Jewish Passage to India
Dusty Sklar June 30, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Holocaust Refugees in “Vulgar” America
Dusty Sklar June 18, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
The Friendship between Sigmund Freud and Stefan Zweig
Dusty Sklar May 31, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
The Cold War, the CIA, and the Literati
Dusty Sklar March 20, 2017
Antisemitism in Populist History
Dusty Sklar March 11, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Is Racism Actually in Decline?
Dusty Sklar January 30, 2017
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
The Alt-Right’s Antisemitism
Dusty Sklar January 9, 2017
The Descendants of Nazis
Dusty Sklar December 16, 2016
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
Volunteers in Israel’s War of Independence
Dusty Sklar December 6, 2016
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
The Long History of Chinese Jews
Dusty Sklar October 25, 2016
Writings Grid Blog-Shmog
David Ben-Gurion and the Arabs
Dusty Sklar October 8, 2016
Writings Grid Uncategorized Blog-Shmog
Nomi Prins and the Demons of Wall Street
Dusty Sklar September 23, 2016
Profiting from Poverty
Dusty Sklar September 11, 2016
Why We Can’t Afford the Rich
Dusty Sklar August 18, 2016
Holocaustic Tones
Dusty Sklar July 28, 2016
The Jewish Jefferson
Dusty Sklar July 10, 2016
The Nazi Ink Blots
Dusty Sklar June 27, 2016
The Ghetto, from Venice to Vilna to Harlem
Dusty Sklar June 6, 2016
The Complicated Alliance with Saudi Arabia
Dusty Sklar May 13, 2016
Kicked Out
Dusty Sklar April 19, 2016
Illustrated Sunday Herald
Churchill and the Jews
Dusty Sklar April 8, 2016
Big Money versus Democracy
Dusty Sklar April 1, 2016
Mahatma Gandhi on Zionism and the Holocaust
Dusty Sklar March 19, 2016
Sex for Seniors and Juniors
Dusty Sklar February 28, 2016
American Eugenics and German Nazism
Dusty Sklar February 20, 2016
Doing Business with Hitler
Dusty Sklar February 11, 2016
Gertrude Stein’s Romance with Fascism
Dusty Sklar January 20, 2016
Einstein and Freud on “Why War?”
Dusty Sklar January 3, 2016
Einstein for President
Dusty Sklar December 21, 2015
Henry George, Wealth Inequality, and Democracy
Dusty Sklar August 30, 2015
The Urge for Fame: Does It Fade?
Dusty Sklar April 7, 2015
Henry George and Zionism
Dusty Sklar October 26, 2014