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Upper West Side: A Dayenu for “Dancing in Jaffa”
Susan Reimer-Torn
April 25, 2014
Pierre Dulaine and the Children of the World
by Susan Reimer-Torn

Susan Reimer-Torn is a contributing writer to Jewish Currents and the author of Maybe Not Such a Good Girl: Reflections on Rupture and Return.
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Also by Susan Reimer-Torn
Depatriarchalizing Judaism
On the 30th anniversary of her groundbreaking book Standing Again at Sinai, feminist theologian Judith Plaskow discusses the choice to remain within a patriarchal religious framework.
Susan Reimer-Torn
Unrequited Love: When Women Study the Talmud
Women Talmud scholars find different paths through a patriarchal text.
Susan Reimer-Torn