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The Vegnik: Among the 99 Percent

October 6, 2011

Dan Brook is a vegetarian activist with a great website about the politics of vegetarianism.

Here are my photos from today’s 99% protest in San Francisco, just one afternoon in one of over 400 cities and counting in this growing movement to reclaim democracy and social justice. (Feel free to share with others who might be interested.)

This is why I support the 99%! Especially in this richest country in the world:

If we had economic policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t have poverty.

If we had jobs policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t have unemployment and we’d have living wages.

If we had housing policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t have homelessness while others have mansions and multiple houses.

If we had healthcare policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t have 50 million Americans without health insurance, millions more underinsured, and overcrowded emergency rooms.

If we had education policies for the 99%, we’d have free education from preschool through graduate school for all who qualify and we would pay teachers more than stock brokers.

If we had energy policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t have oil companies making hundreds of billions in profits, while polluting the world and increasing global warming, but would support an array of decentralized renewable energies, including solar, wind, wave, tidal, geothermal, hydrogen, biomass, hydroelectric, and more.

If we had transportation policies for the 99%, we would support many forms of mass transportation and expand it.

If we had crime policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t imprison people for non-violent offenses and would seek social policies, including the above, to prevent crime more than punish it.

If we had tax policies for the 99%, we would have steeply progressive taxation to create a middle-class society.

If we had social policies for the 99%, we would support need not greed, people before profits and corporations, and we would get money out of politics, reclaim our democracy, and promote social justice.