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June 6: Shmuck
Congressman Anthony Weiner (D - NY) held a press conference on this date in 2011 at which he admitted to tweeting photographs of his bulging underwear (which accidentally went out to 45,000 of his Twitter followers) and engaging in “inappropriate conversations” with several women while serving in Congress. The confession, which turned to utter farce when he resumed his “sexting” activity in 2013 and was again busted for it, disrupted his prospects of becoming New York City’s mayor, led to his resignation from the House of Representatives, completed the education of the American public about sexting culture, and fueled more penis jokes than the airwaves could possibly contain. Weiner was a combative liberal voice in politics, a staunch advocate of women’s reproductive rights and national health insurance, an opponent of the invasion of Iraq, and a critic of tax cuts for the wealthy. He remains married to Huma Abedin, long-time personal aide to Hillary Clinton (President Bill Clinton officiated at their nuptials).
“I felt like I was in an airplane really high in the air, and all of a sudden, the plane is coming apart at the seams, and I am just doing all I can to hang on for dear life. That is what it felt like.” —Huma Abedin