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JEWDAYO: 900 and Counting

May 26, 2012

Dear Jewdayo Friends,

Yesterday’s Jewdayo entry about Artie Shaw was my 900th. According to the great sage Maimonides (in his Guide for the Perplexed, published in 1190), “When we continually see an object, however sublime it may be, our regard for it will be lessened . . .”

Uh-oh . . .

Beginning this summer, therefore, I’m going spice things up with two regular, brief features: “Jewdayo Rockers and Doo-Woppers,” with dates and musical links about Jews involved in rock ‘n’ roll (research by Bennett Muraskin, Alyssa Goldstein and me), and “Kibbitznik’s Choice” (Alyssa again), about progressive Jewish projects you might find interesting.

Then onward to entry #1,000!

Jewdayo has been a wonderful portal to the Jewish Currents website, where all our entries, as well as people’s responses, are archived. In 2011, that site had 139,000 unique visitors and more than 2.1 million hits, much of it thanks to the way Jewdayo gets around on the Web. But it’s you folks, the ones who receive these daily e-mails -- there are only several hundred of you -- who keep my own enthusiasm going strong, because you are the ones I hear from with oohs and ahhs, commentaries and corrections.

A request: Let me hear from you right now. Jewish Currents is launching a summer-time fundraising drive among intimates of the magazine to raise $18,000 to hire a part-time marketing professional who can provide partnership to me -- at last! -- on the business end of things, in the quest to gain the audience we deserve. If each of you would contribute just 10¢ a day to Jewdayo -- that’s only $36 -- we’d meet our goal immediately.

Please help me get up off my knees by making a safe, tax-deductible donation. I’d rather be researching Jewdayo than fundraising any day!!

Yours until the Rebbe returns -

Lawrence Bush