Authors / Hazem Fahmy

Hazem Fahmy is a writer and critic from Cairo. His work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Mubi Notebook, Reverse Shot, Boston Review, and Prairie Schooner.

A Pantomimed Reckoning
Forty years after the catastrophic invasion of Lebanon, the films of Israel’s “Lebanon Trilogy”—often understood as works of “anti-war cinema”—appear instead as efforts to sidestep accountability.
Hazem Fahmy November 10, 2022

How Hollywood Wrote the Story of Israel
A new history misunderstands the American film industry’s role in cementing the US–Israel relationship—and the part Hollywood has played in scripting the tales both states tell about their settler-colonial origins.
Hazem Fahmy April 26, 2022

An Archive of the Present
A conversation with scholar Gil Z. Hochberg about the limits and potential of the archive
Hazem Fahmy December 17, 2021