Authors / Hadas Binyamini

Hadas Binyamini is a PhD student in history and Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University.

Henry “Scoop” Jackson and the Jewish Cold Warriors
An alliance between Jewish activists and congressional neocons made Soviet Jewry a key issue in superpower relations—and reshaped American Jewish politics in the process.
Hadas Binyamini May 24, 2022

The Yiddishist Neocon
Nancy Sinkoff discusses her new biography of Lucy S. Dawidowicz, a Holocaust historian whose role in the neoconservative movement is often forgotten.
Hadas Binyamini April 23, 2020

America’s Jewish Colonizers
The author of The Jews’ Indian connects North American Jewish migration to colonial history.
Hadas Binyamini March 7, 2019