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November 14: UN Hypocrisy

November 14, 2015

The_United_Nations_Secretariat_BuildingThe United Nations General Assembly passed nine resolutions condemning Israel on this date in 2013, leading an interpreter to say to her colleagues (but on a live microphone that transmitted her words into the ears of every delegate): “C’est un peu trop, non? [It’s a bit much, no?] I mean I know... There’s other really bad shit happening, but no one says anything about the other stuff.” By the end of its 2013, the GA had adopted twenty-two resolutions (other sources say twenty-one) condemning Israel, and only four on the rest of the world combined, according to the Times of Israel. The “nine resolutions condemned Israel for violating the human rights of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, of Palestinian refugees, and even of Syrians in the Golan Heights,” wrote Hillel Neuer. “That’s right: the UN adopted a resolution today that mentions the word ‘Syria’ no less than ten times — yet said nothing of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s massacre of more than 100,000 of his own people.”

“There were zero UNGA resolutions on gross and systematic abuses committed by China, Cuba, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Zimbabwe, nor on many other major perpetrators of grave violations of human rights.” —UN Watch