Weekly Roundup - 03/25/24
This week: For the newsletter, Jewish Currents fellow Jonathan Shamir explores Israel’s ongoing oscillation between exclusion and exploitation in its approach to Palestinian workers.
On the occasion of Purim, Israel/Palestine fellow Maya Rosen meditates on the biblical injunction to “wipe out” Amalek, its use in justifying an ongoing genocide, and possibilities for reading otherwise.
As the Israeli army’s renewed assault on al Shifa hospital continues, we are re-sending dispatches, first published in October, where Gaza’s doctors describe their struggle to save lives within a collapsed medical system.

Between Exclusion and Exploitation
Israel’s far right wants to permanently replace Palestinian workers, but employing them has become key to maintaining the occupation.
Jonathan Shamir

Facing Amalek
Reading the biblical injunction to genocide amid a genocide
Maya Rosen

From the Archive

“We Have Lost the Ability to Provide True Care”
Three doctors describe coping with fatal shortages and agonizing choices in Gaza’s overwhelmed hospitals.
Hammam Alloh, Yousef Al-Akkad, and Reda Abu Assi