This week: In a new set of dispatches collected by fellow Jonathan Shamir and news editor Aparna Gopalan, three humanitarian workers in the Gaza Strip describe the challenges of providing aid while struggling to survive.
Deeksha Udupa speaks to historian Hafsa Kanjwal about India’s “postcolonial” colonization of Kashmir and the parallels between the Palestinian and Kashmiri anti-colonial struggles.
From our Fall 2023 issue, Rotem Rozental writes about Robert Russell’s exhibition Porzellan Manufaktur Allach, which exposes idyllic porcelain trinkets as sites of Nazi domination and imagination.
And with far-right parties amassing power in a year when half of the world’s population will go to the ballot box, we are sharing contributing editor David Klion’s 2021 conversation with political theorist Ajay Singh Chaudhary on contemporary fascism around the globe.
From the Archive