Jewish Currents Live
a Day of Politics & Culture
September 15, 2024


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Weekly Roundup - 8/21/23

This week: For our Spring issue, contributors Oksana Mironova and Ben Nadler delve into the archives of the Lusk Committee—which surveilled New York City’s radicals during the First Red Scare—to find the traces of a radical past. In our newsletter, contributing writer Elisheva Goldberg examines how Israel’s new anti-sexual assault bill targets the country’s Arab minority.

In a preview of our upcoming Fall issue, critic Jil Steinhauer investigates the politics of encounter in artist Alisa Nisenbaum’s portraiture.

In a new episode our podcast, On the Nose, we partnered with The Nation to discuss Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer.

In response to the ongoing debate around whether non-Jewish actors can play Jewish characters—and the question of Bradley Cooper’s viral prosthetic nose in his new film Maestro—we’re sending you contributing writer Rebecca Pierce’s piece from 2021, which argues against equating blackface and “Jewface.”

Looking for a Lineage in the Lusk Archive
The records of a New York surveillance committee from the time of the First Red Scare document a radical world—and its demise.
Ben Nadler and Oksana Mironova
Portraits of Encounter
In paintings of Queens’s blue-collar workers and immigrant communities, Aliza Nisenbaum explores the small-scale politics of interpersonal relationships.
Jillian Steinhauer
Israel’s Anti-Miscegenation Law
A new law classifies some sexual crimes as “terrorism,” signaling an intent to target Arabs—and a goal of preventing racial mixing.
Elisheva Goldberg
The Jewishness of Oppenheimer

In an episode presented in partnership with The Nation's podcast The Time of Monsters, Mari Cohen, Jeet Heer, David Klion, and Raphael Magarik discuss Christopher Nolan’s new biopic about the infamous physicist.

From the Archive

Jewish Currents articles to revisit this week

The Politics of “Jewface”
Sarah Silverman has come out against the casting of non-Jews in Jewish roles—a stance with a fraught racial history bound up with the legacy of blackface.
Rebecca Pierce