
Dear Reader,
We’re excited to let you know that the digital version of our special Winter 2024 issue—After October 7: A Jewish Currents Reader—is now available exclusively to subscribers!
In these pages, you’ll find pieces from our archive by Noura Erakat and John Reynolds, Yousef Munayyer, Hannah Black, Peter Beinart, and many more, as well as recent dispatches from the West Bank and Gaza, and reporting and commentary from Jewish Currents staff and contributors. In addition to the anthology, you will receive Jewish Currents’s exclusive Winter Gift, Khawla Ibraheem’s play A Knock on the Roof, which follows a woman in Gaza facing the threat of imminent Israeli bombardment, introduced by playwright Mona Mansour.
To access the digital issue, please follow these instructions:
LOG IN: Click here to log into your Jewish Currents account. (If you have a subscription but have not yet set up a password, click the “Having trouble logging in?” option and you will receive a link to do so.)
DIGITAL PDF: On the left side of the user dashboard, you will see a list of “Portal Pages.” Navigate to the “Issues” page, and click on the cover of any issue to be directed to a readable PDF. To make the PDF full screen, use the rectangle icon on the bottom right corner of the PDF frame; to zoom in, use the slide bar towards the plus sign.
We hope that this volume clarifies and fortifies. We do not know what will emerge from this moment, but it is clear that any just future will require reckoning with the horrors of the present and all that led us here.
Jewish Currents