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“When a Friend Dies”

Esther Cohen
February 9, 2018

by Esther Cohen




When a good friend dies

you want to do

what the friend would want you to do

no one hopes their friends would

stand around grey wall to wall rugs

at Riverside Funeral Home whole place

looks like the an air freshener if an air freshener

were a building all those men in Halloween suits

Sandy Kadet  AIDS so many years ago he said when I leave

please go to Takashima  buy a dress to wear

not that I don’t like your clothing but you know

how much I love Takashima then go out to eat

somewhere without overhead lighting

take someone you like with you Japanese

my first choice he said though I

won’t be with you then.


Esther Cohen‘s books include God Is a Tree, Book Doctor, and Don’t Mind Me and Other Jewish Lies. She is the Jewish Currents arts and public events consultant.