Jewish Currents Live
a Day of Politics & Culture
September 15, 2024

Jeremy Corbyn and the Future of the Left

December 23, 2020

The British Labour Party continues to be haunted about how to deal with antisemitism, after a prolonged period in which such accusations dominated the headlines, and were made most potently of its then leader MP Jeremy Corbyn. What should we make of these accusations and how politically impactful were they? What do they tell us about the contemporary debate around antisemitism? And what does this episode mean for the future of the left, not only in the UK, but also further afield in the US and beyond?

This event will be moderated by Daniel Levy of USMEP and will feature British journalist Rachel Shabi, Joshua Leifer of Jewish Currents, and Emily Hilton of Vashti.

Cosponsor: US/Middle East Project (USMEP) is an independent policy institute advancing dignified Israeli-Palestinian peace through working with policymakers in the US, MENA, and broader international community.