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Summer 2013

June 14, 2013

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The Editors discuss our Brave New (Post-Scarcity) World

Alan McGowan and Basia Yoffe debate Nuclear Power

Ron Skolnik on the Challenge of Repatriating Israeli Settlers

Robert Levine on Israel’s Problem with Richard Wagner

Ben Lorber on JFREJ Versus Stop-and-Frisk

Rabbi Arthur Waskow at our Megaphone

Zelda Gamson on “Life After Communism

Nicholas Freudenberg Stirs the Pot about “Food Prices and Food Justice

Mitchell Abidor on “Jewish” Soccer in the Netherlands

Joel Schechter visits “Moyshe Kulbak’s Minsk, Daniel Kahn’s Berlin

Mikhail Horowitz reviews Jewish Jocks

and much more . . .